Children Ministries
Faith Church is a Family Centered Church…
Partnering with parents to make a difference in a child’s life!
Our Purpose is to offer your children a place of excitement and discovery,
as they learn Bible Truths and experience God!
For children in Pre-K through 5th grade, Deep Blue is an awe-inspiring resource for children! Sunday School will include adventure, exciting stories, science experiments, arts and crafts, animated video storytelling, and active games! The experienced teachers and helpers are there to help the children discover and connect to what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ today! For more information, please visit .
CHILDREN’S CHURCH – 10:15 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.
Children’s Church starts in the 10am worship service, then after the Children’s Moment the children ages 4-6th grade can either stay in worship, or go with our Children’s Ministry team to the Media Room for “Children’s Church” which incorporates singing, praying, learning, and teaching. The format of Children’s Church resembles that of “Big Church” and prepares children for the day they are ready for adult worship services.
The safety of every student is a top priority. All volunteers and leaders are carefully screened and supervised, and drivers for youth programs have been background checked with motor vehicle check. For the children’s programs, we have a security process for all children which provides parents the assurance that their child is being well-cared for during all church activities.
Please let us know if your child has any special limitations or needs so that we can accommodate to the best of our abilities. Children’s information we should know can be submitted on the registration form at the Welcome Center, and Youth’s information can be told to their leader or directly to our Director of Children and Youth, Sanha Kang. It is our belief that all children should be integrated into Sunday where they best fit and feel comfortable.