Ways to give to Faith Church
- Using your bank (local branch, website, or mobile app)
- Using the Bill Pay feature, set up an automatic recurring payment (weekly or monthly)
- Payee should be:
- Faith United Methodist Church
- 432 59th Street
- Downers Grove, IL 60516-1439
- (630)968-0442
- In the memo, designate where the offering is going to (e.g. General Fund, Missions, Building, etc.)* Forget about writing a check ever again!
- Scan the QR Code to the Right

Your offering will be in the form of a paper check mailed from your bank to Faith UMC, on the date(s) that you select. Set up is fast and easy. The payments can be changed or cancelled at any time.
Questions? Contact the church office at (630)968-0442.